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13.07.2024, 06:11

   STARSET – DEGENERATE - front  заявка/by request

Complete name                            : STARSET – DEGENERATE.flac
Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
File size                                : 50.0 MiB
Duration                                 : 3 min 36 s
Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
Overall bit rate                         : 1 933 kb/s
Album                                    : DEGENERATE
Album/Performer                          : STARSET
Part                                     : 1
Part/Total                               : 1
Track name                               : DEGENERATE
Track name/Position                      : 1
Track name/Total                         : 1
Performer                                : STARSET
Composer                                 : Cameron Pierce Mizell, Dustin Bates & Evan McKeever
Label                                    : Fearless Records
Genre                                    : Rock/General
Recorded date                            : 2024-07-04 14:00:00 UTC
ISRC                                     : US5262426672
Copyright                                : ℗© 2024 Fearless Records, Distributed by Concord.
Cover                                    : Yes
Cover type                               : Cover (front)
Cover MIME                               : image/jpeg
Lyrics                                   : [00:00.00]...
[00:18.29]Can you feel the way the worlds collide?
[00:23.51]Can you feel the violence?
[00:26.44]Do you wonder why?
[00:28.76]Don't fall behind
[00:31.58]Don't fall away
[00:34.58]The wolves are at the gate
[00:39.12](And no one's safe)
[00:40.54]Down, down, down, down, down
[00:42.42]It's a race to the bottom
[00:45.17]They fall
[00:46.27]'Round and 'round and circle the drain
[00:50.18]So hit 'em with a whole tidal wave
[00:55.75]We're killing it the entire way
[01:01.34]We'll wash it down and annihilate
[01:06.97]And have yourself a nice doomsday
[01:11.43](Bending 'til we, bending 'til we break
[01:23.44]Artificial sickness
[01:28.79]Artificial pain
[01:34.38]Manufactured victims
[01:39.42]Of manufactured gains
[01:46.47](It's all the same)
[01:47.88]You are the thing that you hate
[01:52.08]So hit 'em with a whole tidal wave
[01:57.50]We're killing it the entire way
[02:02.99]We'll wash it down and annihilate
[02:08.72]And have yourself a nice doomsday
[02:13.41](Bending 'til we, bending 'til we break
[02:28.40]The parasites are in control (degenerate)
[02:34.25]And watch it come, they never go (degenerate)
[02:39.44]We fed the dark to watch it grow (degenerate)
[02:45.27]We're turning back to animals
[03:12.05]So hit 'em with a whole tidal wave
[03:17.69]We're killing it the entire way
[03:23.17]We'll wash it down and annihilate
[03:28.69]And have yourself a nice doomsday
[03:33.49](Bending 'til we, bending 'til we break)

Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
Duration                                 : 3 min 36 s
Bit rate mode                            : Variable
Bit rate                                 : 1 925 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Channel layout                           : L R
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz
Bit depth                                : 24 bits
Compression mode                         : Lossless
Stream size                              : 49.8 MiB (100%)
Writing library                          : Lavf60.16.100
MD5 of the unencoded content             : 44A8351786EAFDF02F7A8E0258BFDF73

STARSET – DEGENERATE - spectrogram





Категория: Зарубежные исполнители на букву S | Добавил: rockboy112 | Теги: Зарубежная, Hi-Res, 2024, flac, Degenerate, starset, metal
Просмотров: 80 | Загрузок: 56

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