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Kenny Rogers – Lady. FLAC, 1980
02.03.2024, 09:02

 Kenny Rogers – Lady - front  заявка/by request

Complete name                            : Kenny Rogers – Lady.flac
Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
File size                                : 24.7 MiB
Duration                                 : 3 min 52 s
Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
Overall bit rate                         : 890 kb/s
Album                                    : The Best Of Kenny Rogers: Through The Years
Album/Performer                          : Kenny Rogers
Part                                     : 1
Part/Total                               : 1
Track name                               : Lady
Track name/Position                      : 10
Track name/Total                         : 20
Performer                                : Kenny Rogers
Composer                                 : Lionel Richie
Label                                    : CMCapNash (N91)
Genre                                    : Country/General
Recorded date                            : 1980
ISRC                                     : USCN10500371
Copyright                                : ℗ This Compilation 2018 Capitol Records Nashville © 2018 Capitol Records Nashville
Cover                                    : Yes
Cover type                               : Cover (front)
Cover MIME                               : image/jpeg
Lyrics                                   : ... / Lady, I'm your knight in shining armour and I love you / You have made me what I am and I am yours / My love, there's so many ways I want to say I love you / Let me hold you in my arms forever more / You have gone and made me such a fool / I'm so lost in your love / And oh, we belong together / Won't you believe in my song? / Lady, for so many years I thought I'd never find you / You have come into my life and made me whole / Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning / Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear / In my eyes I see no one else but you / There's no other love like our love / And yes, oh yes, I'll always want you near me / I've waited for you for so long / Lady, your love's the only love I need / And beside me is where I want you to be / Cause, my love, there's somethin' I want you to know / You're the love of my life, you're my lady

Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
Duration                                 : 3 min 52 s
Bit rate mode                            : Variable
Bit rate                                 : 879 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Channel layout                           : L R
Sampling rate                            : 44.1 kHz
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Compression mode                         : Lossless
Stream size                              : 24.4 MiB (99%)
Writing library                          : ffmpeg
MD5 of the unencoded content             : 2C737624976453F5C87F798BA3C620CD




PERFORMER: auCDtect Task Manager, ver. 1.6.0 RC1 build
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 y-soft. All rights reserved

ANALYZER: auCDtect: CD records authenticity detector, version 0.8.2
Copyright (c) 2004 Oleg Berngardt. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2004 Alexander Djourik. All rights reserved.

FILE: Kenny Rogers – Lady.flac
  Size: 25876239 Hash: 62493652001D510580222C3DBEBC4B82 Accuracy: -m0
  Conclusion: CDDA 100%
  Signature: 24825E85E63E0A7EC651DC82FD3DE1FDCEFCE249


Kenny Rogers – Lady - spectrogram




Категория: Зарубежные исполнители на букву K | Добавил: supervalerij2012 | Теги: Зарубежная, flac, kenny, Rogers, lady, pop, 1980
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